Finding the right “area” for your sewing school can be challenging. Keep these things in mind when deciding on where to teach. When I first began, it was a corner area in my family den. This area was for my sewing school ONLY. Set this rule and keep it!!!! You don’t want to have to be moving tables and sewing machines, and ironing boards around. Make sure, if the area is in your home, that ALL of your family understands that this is your area, this is your job. Make sure that your room is big enough for at least one 6-8 foot cutting table, all your supplies, a table with the
on them, and an ironing board.
If you don’t have the room in your home, check with your local churches, or schools. In most cases they will be thrilled to let you do an after school sewing program. Try and find a room in the church or school where you can keep your supplies, even if it is in a locker of some sort, you don’t want to have to take your entire school home with you and then bring it back again. I did this for a brownie troop, and a birthday party/modeling party, I charged extra for bringing ALL of my machines, supplies, and everything with me, and I can honestly say that I will NEVER do it again. It was just too much carting all the supplies and machines back and forth. Even though I had two helpers both times, it was still too much.
So best case, you have your sewing school in your home, or in a room in a local church or school, where you can keep your supplies and things there. If neither of these work out for you and you must cart your things each time, then I highly suggest that you have your classes on the same day. So instead of having classes Monday thru Friday, everyday at 4pm, where you would have to cart your things every day, I would suggest that you have classes 2 days a week but on both days have a class at 4pm, then 5pm, then 7pm etc… so that you are only carting your things 2 days a week.
9 Responses
susan Mcconnachie
I found your website by accident, (love it) I Have just started teaching kids and Adults :How to use a sewing machin
susan Mcconnachie
Hello, I have just found your website. I live in Australia I have been volunteering sewing lessons at our local school for the past 5 years. I am now 60,and I have started teaching private lessons in my community on the Basic “How to Use A sewing Machine” class for kids and adults. I have advertised on face book, I have only had 3 responses in 3 months, I hired a hall for a 4 week 1 hour course, I had two students at $12 each, the hall cost $12. Well I guess its a start, Apart from having to take the 2 hours of work on the Wednesday’s so I lost two hours pay there. But I Loved it. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the awesome info site. Sew With Sue.
What are your thoughts about liability? What if someone hurts themselves? God forbid, but you never know…
Judi @ Love to Sew Studio/Teach Others to Sew
Well, I have not had that happen yet in the 14 years I’ve had my studio, but you are right, you never know. If you are teaching out of your home, check with your home-owners insurance. If you are teaching anywhere else, you need to have insurance. We also have a form that we have all witnesses fill out if someone was ever to get hurt.
Ada Merrill
Did you open your store at your home town?
We just found this site and we are LOVING it! Thank you so much for all of the wonderful information. My daughter and I do custom sewing and embroidery. We have been talking about offering sewing classes for a couple of years now, but have not acted on it yet. Would you mind sharing for information on the form you have people sign for liability in case of injury. Thanks! 🙂
Judi @ Love to Sew Studio/Teach Others to Sew
Hi Janet,
Yes, I will be adding it soon.
Good luck,
Lois Williams
Hi Judi: I found your website by accident. Been looking over your website and enjoying it. I have been thinking for sometime now about teaching sewing to kids and adults. As for teaching kids sewing, what age do think is a good age to start a child? would you say around 8?
Judi @ Love to Sew Studio/Teach Others to Sew
Hi Lois,
Yes, we normally start teaching kids at age 8. We used to teach 6 and 7 year olds, but we have found that their motor skills are just not strong enough. Also they are not tall enough for their feet to reach the foot pedal. So we have found that starting at age 8 or 9 is a great age to start.